  • PD
  • Si PIN
  • APD

Si Photodiode



光电二极管它能够吸收光能并把光变为电流。 用于精密测量的从紫外到红外的宽响应PD,紫外到可见光的PD,以及用于一般测量的可见至红外的PD,以及普通型的陶瓷/塑胶PD。精密测量PD的特点是高灵敏度,高并列电阻和低电极间电容,以降低和外接放大器之间的噪音。

Photodiodes are semiconductors that generate a current or voltage when illuminated by light. They have no internal gain, but can operate at much higher light levels than other detectors. Hamamatsu Si photodiodes have low capacitance and dark current, which reduces noise and increases speed. The UV photodiodes resist degradation in performance that results from continuous exposure to ultraviolet light. Si photodiodes are suitable for precision photometry, making them useful in medical instrumentation, analytical instruments, semiconductor tools and industrial measurement systems.

  • InGaAs PIN Photodiodes
  • Standard Type
  • Long Wavelength Type
  • Infrared Detector Module
  • Position Detectors
  • One-dimensional
  • Two-dimensional
  • Special Type
  • Signal Processing Circuit


PIN光电二极管(Si PIN Photodiode)


Si PIN photodiodes feature low capacitance, which enables them to deliver a wide bandwidth with only a low bias voltage, making them ideal for high-speed photometry as well as optical communications. When connected to a high-speed preamplifier, their low terminal capacitance ensures a wide response speed and lower noise. Various types of PIN diodes are available, including those with a mini lens. which increases fiber coupling efficiency and enhanced violet sensitivity for violet laser detection.



APD雪崩光电二极管(Avalanche Photodiode)

APD雪崩光电二极管(Avalanche Photodiode)简称APD,是一种具有内部增益,能将探测到的光电流进行放大的有源器件,这种放大作用可以增加接收机的灵敏度。

The silicon avalanche photodiode (Si APD) has an internal gain mechanism, fast time response, low dark current and high sensitivity in the UV to near infrared region. Hamamatsu offers SI APDs with active areas ranging from 0.2mm to 5.0mm in diameter. Our range of APDs are hermetically sealed in metal packages. Applications for APDs include optical fiber communication, spatial light transmission, low-light-level detection, high speed bar code reader, laser radar and biomedical devices. APD modules that incorporate an APD, power supply and amplifiers are available, as are APD arrays.

雪崩光电二极管 (APD) 暗电流小 频谱响应范围在 440nm 至 1,100nm 之间


低噪声、快响应、高灵敏度、高带宽、低造价,主要用于 雪崩光电二极管单光子探测器, 激光探测、测距、 激光测距机、激光经纬仪 警戒雷达。


APD放大器模块( APD Modules)

In addition to large range of APD photodiodes, We offer serveral types of modules enabling an easy use of these sensors by a simple DC power supply connection. A built-in temperature control circuit keeps the APD gain constant.


With Preamp / Cooler

Si photodiodes can incorporate a low noise preamplifier chip in the same package. This configuration makes them highly resistant to external noise and suitable for compact circuit design. We also offer devices which have a built-in thermoelectric cooler to reduce the dark current and enhance performance. This range of products is ideal for a wide range of applications involving low-light-level detection such as analytical instruments for NOx detection and precision measurements.



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